Friday, February 27, 2009

Sleeping Positions

In order to help Kennedy sleep comfortably I padd portions of her crib according to her cast position. First of all, I layer 5 or 6 flannel receiving blankets to support her back and head where the cast ends. Then I fold one of Kennedy's soft and cushy blankets in half and layed it over the receiving blankets and down where Kennedy lays. I also use more receiving blankets or towels to prop up her loose left leg and under her right foot so she doesn't dangle where the cast tapers off. With each different cast I have to play with the positioning of the legs and propping of towels but once I get a good position it is easy to continue. This method of propping her up really helps her sleep better and be comfortable through the night, especially since she really can't move.

Although Kennedy has never been a tummy sleeper I realize there are many babies and children that prefer sleeping on their tummies. Several parents on the message board have had this problem and have posted pictures of their kids sleeping on their tummies and how they were able to make it comfortable for them. If your child prefers sleeping on her/his tummy I recommend you visit this site for ideas on how to make this possible.

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